
Khan academy for coding
Khan academy for coding

khan academy for coding khan academy for coding khan academy for coding

They are impressive youth having an impact on the lives of their peers.

khan academy for coding

It is understandable why John teamed with them as their mentor. John Couch, the fifty-forth employee of Apple, hired by Steve Jobs and who later became Apple’s first VP of Education for a period of sixteen years, had observed the passion of these brothers and the work done since their first meeting. We can thank him deep heartily on behalf of the Federation for answering the call, to have Couch meet these brothers who are now 16 and 12 years old. The perseverance of these brothers had obviously captured Phil Schiller’s curiosity, a Boston College trustee and 1982 graduate, one of the prominent IFCU members in the United States which will host our next General Assembly in July 2021. On July 15, 2015, Alex and Nico were once again in Cupertino. Couch responded “We have met in the past and are willing to meet again”. It wasn’t until 2015 once they had piloted and had analytics that Schiller reached out to Couch to meet again. They shared their mission to “eradicate the fear of fractions” in Barbados public primary schools. It was two days later on July 26th, 2013, that these brothers were received by John Couch, VP Education, Apple, in Cupertino at Apple headquarters. On July 24th, 2013, the father emailed Phil Schiller, Senior VP Worldwide Marketing with a cc to Tim Cook, CEO, Apple, on behalf of Alex and Nico to organize a meeting for guidance. Today, the teachers whom Alex and Nico have cross trained with more teachers in the primary, nursery and special needs schools to leverage free online platforms like Khan Academy, the founder Sal Khan who had met and instilled in them the value of complimenting school curriculums, are leading this mission. Next their school, MKA, donated 50 iPads. In the early days, JetBlue Airways met with them, then donated the first of newer computers that would arrive from around the world to update those in the nation’s school computer labs. The initiative was officially launched in collaboration with the Barbados Ministry of Education in the Fall of 2015 to “eradicate the fear of fractions” after a three school primary school pilot. One that is revealing the genius of students from the youngest of ages. When we met with this family, Alex and Nico Eiden had already founded the ALDAS Digital Learning Initiative to advance math proficiencies and coding confidences of students in the Caribbean.

Khan academy for coding